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The Side Effects of Chiropractic Care

Written By Hope Chiropractic on December 15, 2023

a girl getting adjustment

What are the side effects of chiropractic care?  We hear from many patients that they experience unexpected benefits from chiropractic care, so we will call them “side benefits” instead of “side effects”. Most people think of chiropractic care for back pain and headaches but have you ever wondered why other things begin to heal as you get adjusted? Our bodies are controlled by impulses from our brain that travel through our spine and nerves. If our spine is in alignment our bodies function better from things like food digesting to immune system function. Once the initial healing phase of care is complete, almost all patients make the decision to take a few additional steps. These steps strengthen and stabilize their system so the health concern they originally consulted us for is far less likely to repeat and they continue to become their best.

During this phase of stabilization is when we most often hear of the side benefits of chiropractic care.  Here is a partial list of side benefits:

1.     Better Sleep

2.     More energy

3.     Relief from other aches and pains

4.     Improved digestion and elimination

5.     Greater clarity of thought

6.     Improved outlook and attitude

7.     Fewer colds and improved immune function

8.     Greater stamina

9.     Decreased need for some medications

10.  Better overall health

Back pain is out, health and wellness is in! As we prepare to get ready for this school year it is important to keep our families healthy and strong. Getting adjusted boosts the body's immune system and allows it to function optimally. Get your family checked today to enjoy the “side benefits” of chiropractic care.

Posted In: Chiropractic