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Written By Hope Chiropractic on October 15, 2023

a lady talking to a doctor

A 4 week old baby has been crying since birth unless he is nursing.  After his first week of chiropractic care, he is consistently sleeping 5-7 hours at night and happy during the day.

A 7 year old girl has been having severe abdominal pain for 3 months and has missed school since.  The children’s hospital does not know what is wrong and she is diagnosed with “bladder spasms”. After several extreme tests and trial medications the family is exasperated. Nothing seems to help with the debilitating pain. After the first week of chiropractic care she is pain-free.  After 4 weeks of chiropractic care she is taken off all medications and has not had any more pain since!

A 21 year old female is diagnosed with lupus and her kidneys are failing.  She is told to take immunosuppressant medications and Prednisone and she will need a kidney transplant within 5 years.  She chooses not to take the medications and begins a chiropractic program of care.  After 6 months all blood tests reveal her lupus is completely gone; not even in remission.  Her kidneys are still functioning perfectly well 20 years later. She maintains a weekly program of wellness care.

A 68 year old man had shoulder pain and is unable to use his arm.  He has weakness, loss of use and a lot of pain.  He is an avid golfer and would like to regain use of his arm.  After a brief program of chiropractic care and cold laser therapy, he has full function in his shoulder.  His orthopedist is amazed.

How can all of these things happen from a program of chiropractic care you ask?  It is actually very simple.  Each one of us (including you) has an Innate Intelligence within our bodies that knows exactly how to run, regulate, adapt, heal and grow our bodies from conception until death.  But, if the communication pathway in the nerves between your brain and your body is compromised by what we call the subluxation process, this Intelligence cannot comprehend and respond to all of the stresses you encounter in your environment, and cannot maintain normal function, so things begin to break down.  This will eventually affect every single system if allowed to progress and can result in every kind of physical, mental, emotional, or social problem you can imagine.

By restoring the NEUROLOGICAL CONNECTIONS between your brain and your body through the chiropractic adjustment process, your Life Energy is able to once again flow easily from inside-out and restore you to the whole and happy being you were meant to be.

Posted In: Chiropractic