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Have You Lost Your Connection?

Written By Hope Chiropractic on November 1, 2023

a guy dealing with stress

A 4 week old baby has been crying since birth unless he is nursing.  After his first week of chiropractic care, he is consistently sleeping 5-7 hours at night and happy during the day.

A 7 year old girl has been having severe abdominal pain for 3 months and has missed school since.  The children’s hospital does not know what is wrong and she is diagnosed with “bladder spasms”. After several extreme tests and trial medications the family is exasperated. Nothing seems to help with the debilitating pain. After the first week of chiropractic care she is pain-free.  After 4 weeks of chiropractic care she is taken off all medications and has not had any more pain since!

A 21 year old female is diagnosed with lupus and her kidneys are failing.  She is told to take immunosuppressant medications and Prednisone and she will need a kidney transplant within 5 years.  She chooses not to take the medications and begins a chiropractic program of care.  After 6 months all blood tests reveal her lupus is completely gone; not even in remission.  Her kidneys are still functioning perfectly well 20 years later. She maintains a weekly program of wellness care.

A 68 year old man had shoulder pain and is unable to use his arm.  He has weakness, loss of use and a lot of pain.  He is an avid golfer and would like to regain use of his arm.  After a brief program of chiropractic care and cold laser therapy, he has full function in his shoulder.  His orthopedist is amazed.

Every day your body is changing.  It is either getting weaker or getting stronger.  It is either getting sicker or it is getting healthier.  It is up to you to decide if you will get stronger and healthier or weaker and sicker.

The problem is not that you have something you shouldn’t have and need to get rid of it (symptoms, sickness); but rather the problem is you have lost something you need to be healthy and happy (your CONNECTION).

Chiropractic is not about helping you have less of something (symptoms), but instead, chiropractic helps you maximize something so that you can be stronger, healthier, and happier than you have ever been. Wouldn’t it be exciting to feel your full potential within?  Even if you don’t have symptoms your body can be even better!

Every day your body needs to function with a clear connection between the brain and the body.  They are connected via the nerves traveling through the spinal cord out to the body, back to the brain.  Constant communication is essential for proper hormone balance, chemical balance, immune responses, digestion, wellness and much more!  Your spine and nerve system are so intimately connected that if you lose normal alignment or function in your spine, you also partially lose the CONNECTION between your brain and your body.  You gradually lose your natural state of health and well-being.  Chiropractic helps you restore normal alignment and function in your spine so that your brain-body connection is re-established, and you can resume functioning, healing and growing stronger.

In order to keep your connection strong 3 things must happen.  You must have a positive and deliberate focus, a healthy lifestyle and a clear neurological CONNECTION between your brain and your body.  Chiropractic can keep you clear, and we can help you set goals for your wellness future!

For more information about how chiropractic can help you visit www.hopefamilychiropractic.com or call our office at (715) 381-1800 today!

Posted In: Chiropractic